At some point, if you are working on managing Jenkins for your team, you will find yourself looking for a set of useful groovy scripts to control jenkins configuration for a large no of builds/jobs.
Following are some mostly frequently needed ones
Get all jobs that belong to a view
Clear the build queue
Disable jobs in a view
Disconnect and re-connect to slaves
Following are some mostly frequently needed ones
Get all jobs that belong to a view
hudson.model.Hudson.instance.getView('my-view')?.items.each() { println it.fullDisplayName }
Clear the build queue
import hudson.model.* def queue = Hudson.instance.queue println "Queue contains ${queue.items.length} items" queue.clear() println "Queue cleared"
Disable jobs in a view
hudson.model.Hudson.instance.getView('1.1.x-tests')?.items.each() { println("JOB : " it.disabled=true }Get all jobs that that define a TimerTrigger with the trigger spec
import hudson.model.* import hudson.triggers.* for(item in Hudson.instance.items) { for(trigger in item.triggers.values()) { if(trigger instanceof TimerTrigger) { println("--- Timer trigger for " + + " ---") println(trigger.spec + '\n') } } }
Disconnect and re-connect to slaves
import hudson.model.* Hudson.instance.computers.each { c -> c.disconnect() c.connect(true) }